FnD Campaign Handout #4: Artifact: The Adar Scytale

Artifact Object OC 433
"The Adar Scytale"
1.26m Ht by 2.56m L
Discovered in Adar System in the Hinterworlds by Imperial Archaeologist Nelsi Kranshur in 342.
Object is a 50mm thick slab of meteoric agate, excavated intact from a cliffside quarry on Adar's Prime Continient.
Object is inscribed with several translatable languages using some unknown chemical abrasion process. The glyphs have an illusory quality of appearing to "float" above the slab's surface.
Object is very difficult to holograph accurately.
Stolen in 773 from the Capital Museum of Ancient Studies while in transit to exhibition of antiquities. Object not seen since.
Hive Federation has posted MCr5 reward for successful recovery, with no Questions.
Imperium has Posted MCr3 reward for Recovery, with Imperial Assistance.
Rumored to have inadvertantly returned to Hinterworlds by Vargr Corsair Raid.
Actual Value of Object is incalcuable.
Rumored to be Cosmic Rosetta Stone.